Explorations Early Learning

Promoting play, defending childhood, and empowering caregivers.

Explorations Early Learning

04/08/2025 | Supporting Bad Behavior

Date And Time: 04/08/2025 7:00pm Central Time
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Activities like running, climbing, throwing, spilling, punching, pinching, kicking, biting, tattling, and yelling are often labeled as bad behavior. Many early learning settings attempt to limit them–if not outright ban them. This session takes a contrarian view, looking at these activities as learning opportunities, and offers ideas for encouraging and supporting them. These things can be done safely–without hurting others–and don’t have to create friction between children and their caregivers.

$20.00 $16.00
Save 20% | Offer Ends 01/01/2025

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  • All sessions take place at 7:00pm Central Time, USA. (Eastern 8:00pm | Mountain 6:00pm | Pacific 5:00pm )
  • If you cannot attend the live event but still want the information and a professional development certificate, you can register and access the session recording afterward. The recording is posted to the session’s landing page by noon the following day. I’ve confirmed that I can issue valid professional development training certificates for IL, MI, NE, and WI participants and that watching the recording is unacceptable for MO and OK participants. Beyond that, you’ll have to check into what counts and does not count as professional development in your corner of the world.
  • Contact me at any time if you have questions or need help.
  • After registering, you will receive an email with session details. If you’re new to our site, you will receive a separate email with your username and a link to set a password. You must log in with your username and password to attend the training.
  • This training takes place live at explorationsearlylearning.com via the Zoom meeting platform.
  • To receive a valid Certificate Of Completion, you must attend the entire event with your video on, sign in via the chat area, participate, and submit an evaluation after the session.
  • Trainings are recorded for archival purposes.
  • Browse our training FAQs.

Recordings of past live online training events are available for those interested in the topic but who do not need a training certificate. These recordings also include access to a resource page full of useful related links

  1. Training Overview Video
  2. Before The Training Video
  3. During The Training Video
  4. After The Training Video
  5. Registering Multiple People Video
  6. Refund And Transfer Video

Supporting Bad Behavior
Contact Jeff About This Training
Training Topics


Activities like running, climbing, throwing, spilling, punching, pinching, kicking, biting, tattling, and yelling are often labeled as bad behavior. Many early learning settings attempt to limit them–if not outright ban them. This session takes a contrarian view, looking at these activities as learning opportunities, and offers ideas for encouraging and supporting them. These things can be done safely–without hurting others–and don’t have to create friction between children and their caregivers.

Outcomes / Goals

Attendees will:

  • Understand the developmental benefits of supporting running, climbing, throwing, spilling, punching, pinching, kicking, biting, tattling, and yelling
  • Acquire ideas for creating a space where kids can run, climb, throw, spill, punch, pinch, kick, bite, tattle, and yell
  • Examine their feelings and policies about running, climbing, throwing, spilling, punching, pinching, kicking, biting, tattling, and yelling
  • Understand that these behaviors are driven by developmental inclinations

Competency Area

  • Alabama | Learning Experiences And Enrichment / Child Development
  • Illinois | Curriculum Or Program Design
  • Michigan | Teaching And Learning
  • Missouri | Use A Broad Repertoire Of Teaching Skills And Strategies For Learning
  • Nebraska | Planning Learning Experiences And Curriculum
  • Oklahoma | Learning Environments And Curriculum
  • South Dakota | Learning Environments
  • Wisconsin | Learning Experiences, Strategies, And Curriculum
  • CDA | Advancing Children’s Physical And Intellectual Development

Clock Hours

Available in 60 and 90-minute formats


This is the breakdown for the 60-minute version of the session:

Introduction05 minutesMonologue
Why Support ‘Bad’ Behaviors?20 minutesDiscussion
Examining Your Feelings10 minutesDiscussion
Supporting These ‘Bad’ Behaviors20 minutesDiscussion
Conclusion05 minutesMonologue

Related Resources

This session is based in part on content from my books:

  • Let Them Play
  • Babies In The Rain
  • Finding Your Smile Again

Content Level

Beginner / Intermediate

Age Group Focus

  • Toddlers (12 months to 36 months)
  • Preschool (36 months to 5 years)
  • School Age (5 years to 12 years)
  • Adults

Target Audience

  • Family Child Care Providers
  • Child Care Center Teachers
  • Child Care Center Directors
  • Head Start Teachers
  • Head Start Administrators
  • Early Head Start Teachers
  • Service Coordination Staff
  • Technical Assistance Specialists
  • Home Visitors
  • Parents