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Making Mindful Change

Making lasting change–in your work with children or home life–is a challenging task. If it was, we would all eat healthier, exercise more, and successfully implement new ideas in our early learning programs. We’re creatures of habit–and changing those habits can be scary and uncomfortable. Whether it’s self-care or classroom practice, this session looks at practical strategies for becoming more successful at making lasting change.
Outcomes / Goals
Attendees will:
- Learn strategies for making mindful changes in their life
- Understand the value of taking baby steps–making slow changes over time
- Leave the session with a deeper understanding of why making lasting change is difficult
Competency Area
- Alabama | Personal And Professional Leadership Development / Quality Child Care And Licensing
- Illinois | Personal And Professional Development
- Michigan | Professionalism
- Missouri | Demonstrate A High Level Of Ethical Conduct By Developing As A Professional
- Nebraska | Professionalism And Leadership
- Oklahoma | Professionalism And Leadership
- South Dakota | Professionalism
- Wisconsin | Professionalism
- CDA | Maintaining A Commitment To Professionalism
Clock Hours
Available in 60 and 90-minute formats
This is the breakdown for the 60-minute version of the session:
Topic | Time | Activity |
Introduction | 05 minutes | Monologue |
The Challenges Of Change | 25 minutes | Discussion |
Strategies For Change | 25 minutes | Discussion |
Conclusion | 05 minutes | Monologue |
Related Resources
This session is based in part on content from my books:
- Babies In The Rain
- Finding Your Smile Again
- Keeping Your Smile
Content Level
Beginner / Intermediate
Age Group Focus
- Toddlers (12 months to 36 months)
- Preschool (36 months to 5 years)
- School Age (5 years to 12 years)
- Adults
Target Audience
- Family Child Care Providers
- Child Care Center Teachers
- Child Care Center Directors
- Head Start Teachers
- Head Start Administrators
- Early Head Start Teachers
- Service Coordination Staff
- Technical Assistance Specialists
- Home Visitors
- Parents